Anna Bieler was born in Thessaloniki (Greece) in 1968, where she spent the first five years of her life.
After a four years’ stay in Germany, she lived in Lisbon from 1977 till 1982. She got the “Abitur” (school-leaving-certificate) in Overath near Cologne. For one year she studied at the Teacher Training College for Waldorf Education at Witten-Annen. After that she studied art education at “Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität” and fine arts (painting) at Free Art Academy in Mainz, where she got her degree at the conclusion of studies in 1997.
She lives now with her husband, with whom she has two children, in Wiesbaden – in a housing project, where new forms of housing development are put to the test.
In January 2022 she founded the studio community ATELIEReins in Wiesbaden-Biebrich. Since 2022 she has been a member of the board of BBK Hessen.
She works as an artist in Wiesbaden and in the South of Portugal, is a member of the Association of Fine Arts (www.bbk-wiesbaden.de), the art oganization Bellevue-Saal in Wiesbaden (www.kunstverein-bellevue-saal.de), the Gedok and the VG Bild-Kunst.